
At the beginning of the year I set myself some tasks for 2017. One of those was to write every day on this blog. Recently, though, I’ve found myself at a loss for what to write. You may have seen some one-sentence blog pasts as of late. This, to me, is a signal that I need to re-evaluate and so I have. And as a result of that re-evaluation I gave myself permission to end this task.

Robert Fripp (kind of a hero of mine) writes about endings in the context of  Guitar Craft:

“There are different qualities and & kinds of ending: the finish, the conclusion, & the completion….

“When a process is finished, something is lost. When a process concludes, nothing is lost but the process is at an end. When a process completes, the end is a beginning. Something is gained from the process which becomes available to energise & envitalise the new process underway.”


To me, this feels like a completion. I feel that I gained all I could from the task of daily writing on this blog. And I still have the idea of writing something every day but I will not do it on this blog or in public. I have already started that and I’m approaching it much along the lines of “morning pages,” described in Julia Cameron’s book “The Artist’s Way.”

So what next for this blog? Well, I will still post book reviews here and maybe some other reviews as well (live music events I have attended, for example). I don’t rule out other posts that I may be moved to write as well. In those cases, they won’t be driven by a commitment to put something, anything, up on the internet but will be driven instead by the topic and my thinking on it.

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